
Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) or non-motorized transportation is a form of sustainable transportation and environmentally friendly, reducing the environmental impact caused by transportation activities. Motor vehicle emissions cause greenhouse gas emissions and affect global warming and climate change worldwide. Walking is a form of non-motorized transportation. This research aims to determine the priority for developing Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) facilities in Makassar City, focusing on pedestrian paths that are comfortable for everyone. The research location is in the Losari Beach area to Fort Rotterdam as one of the recreational areas that are dense with the activities of the people of Makassar City. This research is descriptive quantitative, analyzing pedestrian paths availability and comfort level using a Likert scale to obtain comfort levels and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to get pedestrian path development priorities. The results showed that Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) facilities, such as pedestrian paths in Makassar City, were not maximally available, and utilization was not optimal.

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