
The incorporation of distributed generation (DG) units in distribution network voltage control may create operational conflicts with other conventional voltage control devices. Structural changes of networks can also increase the possibility to create control interactions. Control rules-based voltage control methods are not suitable for large scale networks where large number of control choices are available. Similarly, optimization-based voltage control methods are impractical to implement since many control variables have to be used to obtain the optimal solution. Therefore in this paper, a new technique for choosing a global group of the most effective control variables considering the ones with low cost is proposed for voltage regulation in distribution networks. This technique is based on the concept of electrical distances between the voltage control devices and network nodes to derive a correction index (CI). The index represents the level of effectiveness of each control variable with respect to all violated voltages. The index is implemented in two phase algorithms (top–down and bottom-up) to identify the global group of control variables. The proposed technique takes into consideration five aspects: the effectiveness, availability, and cost of the control variables as well as the structural changes of networks and the coordination between control variables to simultaneously eliminate the violation in the voltages. The technique is fast and suitable to be implemented for online voltage control. The proposed method is successfully examined on the modified IEEE 123 distribution system under different scenarios.

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