
This paper presents a preliminary study on design and development of prosthetic hand controlled by electromyography (EMG) sensor for patients who suffered from trans-radial amputee. The system is made up of an embedded Arduino microcontroller equipped with Visual C# programming as graphical user interface (GUI). The prototype of the prosthetic hand has five grip modes i.e. hand open and close, hook finger movement, peace finger movement, pointing finger movement, and active thumb. The mechanism of prosthetic hand is designed with selected mode grip pattern, where each motion is triggered from muscle contraction that is acquired using EMG sensors. In addition, the input of EMG signal can be monitored from the graphs in GUI based on Visual C# programming. Each finger in the prosthetic hand prototype is driven by a linear actuator. The objective of this study is to design and develop a prototype of myoelectric hand based on EMG sensor and create a prosthetic hand grip pattern mode program.

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