
Mount Masigit area is a special interest-based nature tourist attraction that began to be developed into one of the tourist destination in West Bandung Regency. The tourist attractions are developed from karst landscape, both natural and mined, mountainous natural wealth, cool air, and green plants. The research problem to increase the attractiveness of the Mount Masigit Area requires an effort in the form of development by applying the concept of geopark which is a branch of ecotourism. This concept will later create geopark and ecotourism components that do not yet exist in the area and add alternative tourism activities. The research objective is to find out the natural potential to support special interest tourism activities for extreme activities. The research method uses a qualitative approach using descriptive analysis. The results of this study are used for the development of Mount Masigit Tourism Area with the concept of geopark in the form of an area master plan with a focus on development located in the Indiana Camp Area covering ± 9.2 Ha.

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