
Introduction: Child malnutrition still a major health problem in the world, including in Indonesia. According to World Health Organization (WHO) African Region and South-East Asia Region data, malnutrition affects nearly 20 million under five children and the main factors that affects about a third of child mortality worldwide. The aims of this study was to analyze and develop mother’s behavior model in severe malnutrition prevention for under five children based on Integration Health Belief Model and Health Promotion Model. Method: Type of this research was an explanatory observational with cross sectional design. Affordable population namely children under five’s years and cadres who visited Posyandu in April 2015 as many as 136 and 20 peoples. This study used proportional random sampling, with sample size 65 mothers; 10 children under five’s mothers and 10 Posyandu Balita’s cadres for FGD. Variables were personal factors, behavioral specific cognitions and affect, individual perceptions, commitment, cues to action and mother's behavior in severe malnutrition prevention. Data were collected by using questionnaires and food recall 24 hours, analyzed by Smart PLS. Result: Mother’s behavior model in severe malnutrition prevention for under five children can be formed by mother's commitment, behavioral specific cognition and affect and personal factors (income and motivation). Discussion: Nurse as a community health care providers have a role in improving community health status through health promotion. High commitment to behave in certain ways according to plan, improving the ability of individuals to maintain health promotion behavior all the timeKeywords: models, mother’s behavior, severe malnutrition prevention, Health Belief Model, Health Promotion Model


  • Child malnutrition still a major health problem in the world, including in Indonesia

  • Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa 52,3% responden memiliki cues to action yang negatif sedangkan 47,7% responden memiliki cues to action yang positif dalam melakukan tindakan pencegahan gizi buruk pada balita

  • Tidak adanya hubungan antara cues to action dengan perilaku ibu dalam pencegahan gizi buruk dimungkinkan karena terdapat variabel lain yang tidak diteliti, yaitu perceived threat of disease

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Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksplanatif observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah ibu yang memiliki anak usia balita (1-5 tahun) yang berkunjung ke posyandu balita, Desa Ngringin, Kecamatan Lengkong pada bulan April 2015 sejumlah 136 orang serta seluruh kader posyandu balita sebanyak 20 orang. Kriteria inklusi meliputi: 1) warga tetap di Desa Ngringin; 2) tinggal satu rumah dengan anak; 3) mengasuh anak secara mandiri; 4) bisa membaca dan menulis; serta 5) bersedia menjadi responden penelitian. Variabel penelitian meliputi faktor personal (usia, suku, pendidikan, penghasilan dan motivasi), behavioral specific cognitions and affect (perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, dan interpersonal inf luence), individual perceptions (perceived susceptibility dan perceived seriousness), komitmen, cues to action serta perilaku ibu dalam pencegahan gizi buruk balita. Berdasarkan uji model yang dilakukan, menunjukkan hasil penelitian berupa rekomendasi model perilaku ibu dalam pencegahan gizi buruk pada balita. Nilai T-Statistic Analisis Bootstrapping Perilaku Ibu dalam Pencegahan Gizi Buruk Balita di Desa Ngringin, Kecamatan Lengkong, Juni 2015

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Hubungan antara Faktor Personal dengan Individual Perceptions
Hubungan antara Faktor Personal dengan Perilaku Ibu
Hubungan antara Behavioral Specific Cognition and Affect dengan Komitmen Ibu
Hubungan antara Behavioral Specific Cognition and Affect dengan Perilaku Ibu
Hubungan antara Individual Perceptions dengan Perilaku Ibu
Hubungan antara Komitmen dengan Perilaku Ibu
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