
Monte Carlo transport calculations for fusion reactors are very challenging due to factors such as large radiation decay gradients, complex geometric structures, and strong neutron anisotropy. For such deep penetration shielding calculation problems, in order to obtain accurate global flux distribution, variance reduction methods and parallel computing are necessary means. When using the global weight window variance reduction technique, the huge deviation of the particle arrival weight and the weight window can lead to an extreme number of splits, which is the long history problem. If a process encounters the long history problem in parallel computing and takes a lot of time to complete, other processes will stop computing because the histories allocated in the computing cycle have been completed, seriously degrading computing efficiency. In addition, the calculation of the shutdown dose rate, a key issue in fusion neutronics calculations, requires a high “space-energy” resolution, which brings huge challenges to computational memory, especially in parallel computing. In order to overcome the degradation of parallel efficiency caused by the long history problem and the memory limitation in large-scale shutdown dose rate calculation, a hybrid parallel algorithm based on shared memory was researched. Finally, the hybrid parallel architecture was built in the Monte Carlo code cosRMC to realize dynamic load balancing between threads. Through the memory sharing among all threads of a single node, the pressure of memory consumption can be effectively relieved. In order to verify the effectiveness of the hybrid parallel algorithm developed in this paper, it was applied to the calculation of CFETR. The results showed that the hybrid parallel algorithm can effectively alleviate the impact of the long history problem on the parallel efficiency. In terms of saving memory, the hybrid parallel algorithm also showed a significant effect, which provides a guarantee for large-scale shutdown dose rate calculation.

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