
Traffic etiquette can be conceptualized as following the rules without fear of traffic control and punishment, acquiring unwritten behaviors that require mutual understanding in traffic, and making these behaviors a habit. It can be said that education, which is one of the elements that make up traffic safety, is one of the most important tools to shape "traffic etiquette". In this context, the General Directorate of Private Education Institutions of the Ministry of National Education added the "traffic etiquette" course to the Private Driving Courses Education Curriculum in 2015. There is no measurement tool for traffic etiquette in the related literature. The aim of the study is to develop a measurement tool that will enable us to obtain more detailed information about traffic etiquette, and to examine its validity and reliability values. For this purpose, a total of 55 statements that could be scale items were determined, taking into account the main topics covered in the book titled “Traffic Etiquette” and the relevant literature, previously written by Hatipoğlu and Yasak (2016), and these were adapted to Likert type scale format and sample was applied. As a result of the analysis, a four-factor scale (Basic Values, Empathy and Interpersonal Communication, Violations of Rights, and To Warn Each Other) consisting of 33 items was obtained. Cronbach's alpha values of the factors ranged between .60 and .89. In the study, Driver Anger Scale, Driver Behaviors Scale and Interpersonal Relationship Styles Scale were used as concurrent validity criteria. As a result of the correlation analysis, significant and expected relations were found between MDAS and these scales. When the analyzes are evaluated, it can be said that MDAS is a valid and reliable measurement tool that can be used in the fields of traffic psychology and training of driver candidates.

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