
The Japanese scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) is one of the main fishery products in Japan, but with the expansion of culture operations of the Japanese scallop, various problems have been encountered including high mortality, poor growth, poor seed production, and so on. Moreover, there is concern that many years of cultivation may have affected the genetic structure of the scallop population. To approach these problems and concerns, we developed microsatellite markers as a molecular tool for population genetic studies. By using 4 microsatellite markers as well as a mitochondrial marker, we investigated the genetic structure of samples from the islands of Hokkaido (14 populations) and Honshu (Tohoku, 3 populations) in Japan, and south Primorye (4 populations) in Russia. All the populations sampled had high genetic diversity (average expected heterozygosity, 0.7011 to 0.7622; haplotype diversity, 0.6090 to 0.8848), and almost all showed a tendency of homozygote excess, which was significant in 2 populations. Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance tests based on the microsatellite and mitochondrial markers indicated that the 3 geographic regions were genetically divergent from one another, with little evidence of divergence within regions. Homogeneity in allele frequency distributions between natural and cultured scallops and allele frequency stability over a period of 2 decades indicated that the culturing operations have probably not had a substantial effect on the genetic structure of the populations.

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