
At uranium mining enterprises, after the intertesting interval, metrological verification of flow meters is carried out. It is associated with the need to stop the technological process, remove devices from production and transport them to the metrological service. In the article, a new methodology for verifying an electromagnetic flowmeter at the site of operation, developed by the authors, is described, that is, without stopping the technological process, using a mobile geotechnological information and metrological complex. The verification results are entered into the flow meter readings database, which are then used in the program for calculating the uncertainty of the relative error of the flow meter being verified. The measurement results are processed in the Metrolog workstation, which includes programs for calculating the measurement uncertainty of technical flow meters based on the international GUM Guidelines: 1993, developed in the NILabView environment. To conclude on the verification, the uncertainty of the relative error of the electromagnetic flowmeter is estimated according to the national normative document. The work is carried out within the framework of state funding on the theme Development and testing of a mobile geotechnical information and metrological complex (GIMC) to improve the efficiency of uranium mining. Keywords: electromagnetic flowmeter, verification method, mobile geotechnical information and metrological complex, measurement uncertainty

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