
One of consequences of the substantial market globalization is company transformations, which essentially affect the creation, existence or dissolution of companies; their number has been on the increase in recent years. They are mergers and acquisitions; mergers represent a combination of companies, whereas acquisitions involve selling, purchase or investments of companies. The main reason for a merger is economic growth which can be provided in various ways: these are e.g. decreases in costs, strengthening of a position in the market or access to new markets, decrease in prices and thus gaining new customers, access to knowledge or diversification of risks.The process of a merger is a highly demanding matter which includes the economic view (a choice of the right partner, setting merger objectives, preparation of merger project) and the legal view as the merger involves commercial law, reporting and taxation legislation. Discrepancies in the legal, reporting and taxation procedures in the area can have a negative effect on the process of merger and economic practice. The development of mergers and acquisitions and their success rate is related to the development of the economic and legislative environment. An important aspect is also the successfulness of mergers in the following year which will confirm (or not) the quality of all previous decisions.Research studies conducted in this field focus on mergers with the aim to evaluate procedures during mergers. An important part of research is an analysis of the effect of a merger on the evaluation of the successor company’s performance, changes in capital and capital structure of the entities. The aim of the paper is to publish first partial results in this direction of research. The first part of the research focuses on the creation of a database of companies as this is essential for practical verification of the results of the theoretical research. Due to the fact that there is no similar official statistics in the Czech Republic, its creation needs to be devoted great attention. It is also vital to define the transactions which will be included in the total number so that the results are relevant.

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