
This study reports the solid-state NMR spectroscopic characterization of a long chain phospholipid bilayer system which spontaneously aligns in a static magnetic field. Magnetically aligned phospholipid bilayers or bicelles are model systems which mimic biological membranes for magnetic resonance studies. The oriented membrane system is composed of a mixture of the bilayer forming phospholipid palmitoylstearoylphosphatidylcholine (PSPC) and the short chain phospholipid dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine (DHPC) that breaks up the extended bilayers into bilayered micelles or bicelles that are highly hydrated (approx. 75% aqueous). Traditionally, the shorter 14 carbon chain phospholipid dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) has been utilized as the bilayer forming phospholipid in bicelle studies. Alignment (perpendicular) was observed with a PSPC/DHPC q ratio between 1.6 and 2.0 slightly above T m at 50°C with 2H and 31P NMR spectroscopy. Paramagnetic lanthanide ions (Yb 3+) were added to flip the bilayer discs such that the bilayer normal was parallel with the static magnetic field. The approx. 1.8 (PSPC/DHPC) molar ratio yields a thicker membrane due to the differences in the chain lengths of the DMPC and PSPC phospholipids. The phosphate-to-phosphate thickness of magnetically aligned PSPC/DHPC phospholipid bilayers in the L α phase may enhance the activity and/or incorporation of different types of integral membrane proteins for solid-state NMR spectroscopic studies.

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