
One of the learning media that needs to be developed is Macromedia Flash-based learning media the purpose of this study was to develop mathematics learning media in the form of a Macromedia application in solid Geometry for fifth-grade students of SDN Paseban 01 Pagi. The development research method used is Research and Development (R&D), with the ADDIE development model. At the analysis stage, a problem analysis and needs analysis are carried out. At the design stage, an initial design is made which is then validated by material experts and media experts. At the implementation stage, the design of instructional media was tested on 24 students of SDN Paseban 01 Pagi. The evaluation stage aims to analyze expert validation data and student trials. The data collected using the observation method were qualitatively analyzed. The validation data were then evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively in summary. The results showed that Macromedia flashed on space building materials that had been developed based on expert media assessments in terms of display feasibility 85% with highly viable categories, 83% writing learning design with highly feasible categories, engineering and software aspects with highly feasible categories so that the overall assessment of 83% with categories was very feasible. Material expert assessment in terms of feasibility of displaying 90% material with very decent category, 93% learning media utilization aspect with very decent category, quiz aspect 90% with the category is very feasible so overall assessment 91% with the category is very feasible. The trial of the learners was obtained as a result of the 84% display feasibility aspect with a very decent category, the presentation aspect of the material 81% with a very decent category, the aspect to the engineering and software appeal 83% with the category is very feasible so the overall assessment of 83% with the category is very feasible. Based on the results of this acquisition, it can be concluded that the Macromedia Flash application on spatial geometry material is very suitable for use as a learning medium in mathematics subjects.

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