
A simulator based on rigid-plastic finite element method is developed with two common friction law: Coulomb friction law and constant shear friction law are imposed. This project is to develop a simple method to identify tribological properties of various lubricants by metal forming method. In this project, the influence of different lubricants was studied by using ring compression test. The deformation of the ring compression test was measured to obtain an experimental friction calibration curves under different lubricants. To model the friction effect, theoretical friction calibration curves for Coulomb friction law and shear friction law are generated under various parameter of μ, coefficient of friction (Coulomb friction law) and m, shear factor (constant shear friction law). The experimental and theoretical friction calibration curves were compared and the result shows corresponding. The friction of the lubricants was further verified by using a common method: pulling a block on flat surface with load sensor yields the friction force, F in the basic equation F=μN where N is the normal force. The results match the calibration curves too.

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