
We investigated the influence of early nutrition with and without long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) on later development of ≦2500 g newborns receiving preterm formula without LCP (n=75), preterm formula with 18:3ω6 and LCPω3 (at two doses;n=26) or their mother's own milk (n=27). All diets were given from birth to day 42. Erythrocytes (RBC) fatty-acid compositions were determined on day 42. Bayley's mental development (MDI) and psychomotor development (PDI) indices were assessed at 19 months. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that PDI was most strongly related to RBC 22:6 ω 3 in the cohort of 101 infants who received formula. The most consistent correlations were between development and early LCPω3 intake, and between development and parameters of RBC LCPω3 status day 42, in infants who received formula with 18:3ω6 and LCPω3. Development of formula-fed low-birthweight infants seems positively influenced by early dietary LCPω3.

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