
A functional radish tea beverage was developed using pressure roasted radish pieces, barley, and cassia seeds. Stevia, short-chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS), and inverted sugar syrup were used as sugar substitutes. The formula developed for mass production was, pressure roasted radish pieces, barley, and cassia seed teas prepared separately, then mixed (3:1:1, v/v/v). Inverted sugar syrup (54.4 g/L), stevia (0.73 g/L), scFOS (17 g/L), citric acid (0.01%), and vitamin C (0.05%) were added. Sweetness and caloric contents of the roasted radish tea beverage were 6.5°Bx and 19.35 Kcal/100 mL, respectively. Based on consumer acceptance testing (n=60 persons), overall acceptance, taste, and sweetness scores of the roasted radish tea beverage were higher than for a commercially available H tea beverage. Caloric contents were reduced by approximately 23.5% using sugar substitutes. The IC50 value for the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity of hot water extracts of dried radish increased 2.5-fold after pressure roasting.

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