
On the basis of studies on serial sections of larval Ranodon sibiricus limbs and published data, the hypothesis of the origin of tetrapod limbs from the biserial archipterygium is proposed. The mesomeres of the central axis of the biserial fin correspond (in proximodistal direction) to the humerus, ulna, ulnare, all carpalia distalia, metacarpale 1, and phalanges of the first digit in the forelimb of caudate amphibians and to the femur, fibula, fibulare, tarsalia distalia, metatarsale 1, and phalanges of the first digit in the hind limb. The preaxial elements of the zygopodium and autopodium, which are positioned proximal to the digital arch, correspond to the preaxial rays of the biserial fin, and digits 2-5 correspond to its postaxial rays. As the fin transformed into the limb, the central axis curved preaxially, forming the digital arch and resulting in partial reduction and fusion of preaxial rays.

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