
The paper covers basic results of the research of life-purpose orientations development of modern Ukrainian youth. The relevance of the research was determined by the insufficient life meaningful certainty of boys and girls. It was stated that the development of life-purpose orientations was progressive motion, directly related to the spiritual formation of personality. The theoretical analysis has shown that the discourse of scientific discussion on this issue is associated with attempts to integrate the views of various scientists, which are not contradictory but complementary. The psychodiagnostic research was conducted on the basis of the Secondary School of the I-III levels No. 1 of the city of Kyiv andMunicipal Institution "M.I. Pirogov Humanitarian Gymnasium No. 1 of the Vinnytsia City Council", Kyiv Higher Vocational School of Sewing and Hairdressing, Kyiv Professional College with Enhanced Military and Physical Training, National Transport University and Khmelnitsky National University. 281 youths (from 15 to 22 years old) were involved in the research. The following diagnostic techniques were used at different stages of research: "Fulfillment of Desires" method by E.O. Pomytkin for identification of priority values and direction of value orientations of youth; "Research of the Life Meanings System" method of by V.Yu. Kotlyakov, for identification of actual life meanings and their correlation in the semantic structure of young personality; "Life-Purpose Orientations" test by D.O. Leontiev, for research of the life meaningfulness; "Spiritual Potential of Personality" method by E.O. Pomytkin, for diagnostics of spiritual potential and value orientations of young personality; "Diagnostics of the Reflexivity Development Level" method by A.V. Karpov, for research of the ability to reflection; "Scale of Assessment of the Achievement Motivation Level" by Yu.M. Orlov, for determination of the achievement motivation level of girls and boys; Demographic Questionnaire developed by the author, for determination of the influence of individual biological and socially determined factors on the development of life-purpose orientations in adolescence. On the basis of experimental data, the features of the phenomenon being researched are revealed, structure is systematized, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of life-purpose orientations in adolescence are determined, and model of their development is presented. The positive dynamics was revealed of the life-purpose orientations in adolescence as a result of approbation of the proposed psychological and pedagogical program of their development. Further prospects were determined of scientific search in the field of development of the life-purpose orientations of youth.

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