
Solution material is one of the materials that requires a student's level of understanding at the critical thinking level. Critical thinking skills train students to learn to find and solve problems using scientific methods based on real experiences encountered and experienced directly. To be able to find the concept of knowledge based on existing realities, an appropriate learning model is needed, namely a problem-based learning model. This study aims to determine students' critical thinking skills. The type and design of this research is development research with a nonequivalent control group design. The samples of this research were students of semester 2, Biology Education Study Program, University of Flores. This research was conducted from April-June 2020. Data were collected using the critical thinking ability test technique of students in the chemical solution subject, followed by processing and analyzing data using the prerequisite analysis test in the form of normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test. The data analysis shows the significance value of the normality and homogeneity test, namely α> 0.05, while for the t-test α <0.05. From these results prove that problem-based learning can improve students' critical thinking skills in chemistry subject matter solution


  • Solution material is one of the materials that require a student's level of understanding at the critical thinking level

  • Critical thinking skills train students to learn to find and solve problems using scientific methods based on real experiences encountered and experienced directly

  • This study aims to determine students' critical thinking skills

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Hasil Uji Validitas

Untuk mengetahui keefektifan soal pretest maupun posttest sebelum digunakan, dilakukan terlebih dahulu uji validitas. Validitas menunjukkan ketepatan dan kesahihan instrumen butir soal yang digunakan Yusup (2018a). Uji validitas instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakana SPSS versi 21.0. Data hasil validitas instrumen butir soal dapat dilihat pada Tabel 3. Uji validitas intrumen dari 5 butir soal essay menggunakan korelasi produk momen (r) diperoleh nilai rhitung untuk setiap butir soal berada pada kategori valid. Nilai rhitung dari hasil uji validitas untuk setiap butir soal memiliki rhitung>rtabel, yakni 0,444 Muaja et al (2013)

Hasil Uji Reliabel
Hasil Uji Normalitas
Hasil Uji Homogenitas
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