
Paleolimnological studies which included analyses of diatoms, plant pigments and physico-chemical characteristics of the bottom sediments have been used to describe the evolution of Lake Kortowskie in three Holocene periods. Characteristic stages of lake development have been distinguished in the Atlantic, Subboreal and Subatlantic periods, these stages differed with respect to the level of production, water level, impact of allochthonic factors and variety of taxonomic composition of the diatoms. It has been shown that Lake Kortowskie was most productive in the Atlantic and the Subatlantic period. On the other hand, the Subboreal period was characterized by a considerable drop of production, most probably caused by strong erosion and worsening climatic conditions. It has been suggested that lake fertility in Atlantic period was probably due to climatic optimum, whereas in the youngest, Subatlantic period the increase of productivity resulted more from internal features of the lake, viz. its age, the time - related increase in the pool of nutrients. The great variety of diatom remains, which increases towards the surface of the sediment profile, confirms the suggestion of generally favourable conditions for lake development as well as its increasing fertility.

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