
Jainism as an old religion in India has contributed to the architecture of India. Jain Art and architecture developed during different period are seen in various parts of the country as well as in Maharashtra. Different rulers rule the area in different period of time, as well as people from different parts of the country migrated to Maharashtra during different periods of time. With this, various types of architecture like cave architecture, various types of temple architecture were developed from the 5th century to the 21th century, almost all parts of Maharashtra. These are developed as Jain Tirtha Kshetras with tangible and intangible aspects associated with it and also they have religious, historic, associational and cultural values attached to it. The paper aims at understanding various types of Jain architecture developed in Maharashtra from cave architecture to temple architecture. The paper focuses on understanding the basic terminologies used in Jain temple architecture. The study also focuses on the type of architecture developed in different periods along with the architectural features and material used for construction. An attempt is made to understand, changing character of Jain temple architecture as a religious structure during this period. From the study it was found that, due to the change in social, economic and political conditions, the Jain architecture developed with new concept and new features. In the region wise study, it was found that, Jain Tirtha Kshetras were not developed in all regions of Maharashtra, in few regions they developed in big number and in some regions their development was negligible. For new developing temple architecture, it was observed that, they are adopting new technology and concepts keeping the soul intact and at the same time they are developing in all regions of Maharashtra.

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