
The Russian education system is in continuous process of modernization today. Changes in the Russian society, policy and economy exert direct impact on this process. These changes define those conditions in which it is necessary to gain knowledge, abilities and mastering professional activity, and further to carry out labor professional activity by the young specialist. In addition, an important role in this process is played by motivation, and one of the main motives is interest in training. At the initial stage, we have made an experiment, by questioning the 1-year students, which has shown that the students of the university at the beginning of the educational activity have poor interest in training and this subsequently entails not fully mastering the educational programs. Researches of psychologists (B. Ananyev, A. Arkhipov, L. Bozhovich, L. Gordon, V. Ivanov, A. Kovalyov, A. Leontyev, N. Morozova, V. Myasishchev, S. Rubenstein, B. Teplov, etc.), teachers (V. Belikov, R. Gilman, M. Duranov, V. Zhernov, T. Klimova, Ya. Komensky, O. Lesher, John Locke, A. Markova, V. Maximova, V. Ushachev, K. Ushinsky, O. Shentsova, G. Schukina, etc.) show that interest is the important motive, which contributes to the effective development of different types of activity and stimulates the student on activity performance. The purpose of this work – consideration of tools for the emotional and comfortable educational environment as the pedagogical condition, contributing to the development of students’ interest in training at universities. In the main part of the paper, development of students’ interest in training at universities is considered. Pedagogical approach to a solution consists of the following: to present in pedagogical process a possibility of interesting aspects of the educational activity; to excite and constantly maintain the students’ state of active interest by educational processes; to purposefully form and develop interest as the valuable property of the personality in training, promoting her informative activity. Interest in training – “is a form of manifestation of need of the personality for cognitive activity, owing to her emotional appeal and the vital importance, through active aspiration to knowledge acquisition, abilities, possession where in organic unity intellectual, emotional and strong-willed processes interact”. Also the personal and activity training is considered, including the personal focused and individual, informative and synergetic approaches, the levels of development of interest in training are marked out; tools for the emotional and comfortable educational environment, which influences efficiency of development of students’ interest in training at universities. The structural model of the educational environment has been developed, that includes spatial and subject, social, actionable, information and technological, substantial and spiritual components, which are considered by the authors in detail. When determining the educational environment we have used the method of the vector modeling, developed by V.Yasvin, which is based on the system of coordinates, consisting of an axis of FD “freedom-dependence” and an axis of AP “activity-passivity”. Results of an experiment have shown that at the beginning the value of freedom of the educational environment is more than value of activity, and by the end the value of activity of the educational environment has increased and the value of freedom became much less. Criteria and indicators of the interest development in training have been developed. Comparing the received results, it has been noted that the most significant increase in the development level of students’ interest in training is observed in the group where all possible means and methods of creation of the emotional and comfortable educational environment at universities were actively used. It means that creation of the emotional and comfortable educational environment at universities has direct influence on efficiency of the interest development of students in training.


  • The Russian education system is in continuous process of modernization today

  • The structural model of the educational environment has been developed, that includes spatial and subject, social, actionable, information and technological, substantial and spiritual components, which are considered by the authors in detail

  • When determining the educational environment we have used the method of the vector modeling, developed by V.Yasvin, which is based on the system of coordinates, consisting of an axis of FD “freedom-dependence” and an axis of AP “activity-passivity”

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Образовательная среда

Развитие интереса к обучению путем создания эмоционально-комфортной образовательной среды. Цель данной работы – рассмотрение средств создания эмоционально-комфортной образовательной среды как педагогического условия, способствующего развитию интереса к обучению у студентов вуза. Было отмечено, что наиболее существеннее повышение уровня развития интереса у студентов к обучению наблюдается в группе, где активно использовались все возможные средства и приемы создания эмоционально-комфортной образовательной среды в вузе. Что создание эмоционально-комфортной образовательной среды в вузе имеет прямое влияние на эффективность развития интереса к обучению у студентов. Changes in the Russian society, policy and economy exert direct impact on this process These changes define those conditions in which it is necessary to gain knowledge, abilities and mastering professional activity, and further to carry out labor professional activity by the young specialist.

Educational Environment
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Цель педагогического воздействия
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