
The purpose of this study was to analyze content validity, practicality, readability, effectiveness, and student responses using an interactive e-book of plane figures materials designed to improve the problem-solving abilities of fourth grade students. This research is Research and Development (R&D) with ADDIE design which includes five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The interactive e-book was validated by two validators, namely material experts and media experts. The small scale trial involved six fifth grade students of SD 1 Pasuruhan Lor, the large scale trial involved 38 fourth grade students of SD 1 and SD 2 Pasuruan Lor. Interviews, questionnaires, and tests were all used to collect data. The results showed that the content validity was 86.67% with very good criteria for material expert validators and 96.49% with very valid criteria for media expert validators. Readability is 63.13% with easy to understand criteria. Practicality is 89.41% with very practical criteria according to the results of teacher practicality questionnaires, and 93.29% with very practical criteria according to student practicality questionnaires. The effectiveness is determined by the classical completeness score of 76.32% > 75% and the N-gain value of 1.49 with very high criteria. Students responses to interactive e-books is 92.42% with very good criteria. Based on the results of the research, it can be stated that the development of an interactive e-book of plane figures materials to improve the problem-solving abilities s of fourth grade students is valid, readable, practical, effective, and gets a good response from students. Keywords: Interactive e-book, Circumference and Area, Problem Solving Skills.

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