
Aim. To build a system of inter-territorial interaction and cooperation in the sphere of waste management.Objectives. To develop a model of interterritorial interaction and cooperation in the sphere of waste management; to offer directions and forms of interterritorial interaction and cooperation in the investigated sphere.Methods. The author used the methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and classification, as well as modeling. Legislative acts of the Russian Federation (RF), data of official governmental sites of the RF and the Republic of Bashkortostan, scientific articles, monographs, periodicals in the field of ecological monitoring of territories, data of the public-law company “Russian Ecological Operator” (PPC “REO”), statistical collections devoted to the researched subject served as a methodological basis for model building.Results. The author of the article proposes a model of inter-territorial interaction and cooperation, which includes the definition of ratings of regions, forms and directions, assessment of risks and effectiveness of inter-territorial interaction and cooperation. It is argued that interaction and cooperation in this area can be realized through participation in investment for the creation of infrastructure facilities for waste management; through participation in tenders on the electronic trading platform for the purchase of secondary raw materials; construction of eco-industrial parks, allowing to reduce to the maximum the amount of waste going to landfill; awareness-raising activities to popularize the principles of closed-cycle economy; eco-volunteering, creation of an eco-monitoring system.Conclusions. The model of interterritorial interaction and cooperation in the sphere of waste management proposed by the author allows to improve its quality, to ensure the efficiency of territorial development, viability of waste management infrastructure, full utilization of the potential of regions and the sphere of waste management.

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