
Introduction: Intention to stay of nurses is important to reduce turnover rate and to improve the stability of hospital. Quality of nursing work life (QNWL) has been found to influence intention to stay. However, reliable information of this effect is limited. The purpose of this study was to develop the model of intention to stay for temporary nursing staff in RS UNAIR. Method: Anexplanative cross-sectional survey design was used in this study. Data were collected by using questionnaire among 32 nurses working at different units in this hospital through simple random sampling and analyzed by partial least square (PLS). Result: QNWL affected job satisfaction but did not affect commitment. Commitment was significantly affected by job satisfaction. There was effect of job satisfaction on intention to stay. Commitment also significantly affected intention to stay Discussion: QNWL is a predictor of intention to stay trough job satisfaction and commitment. It is recommended that more focused interventions on QNWL, job satisfaction, and commitment developments may improve intention to stay. Recruitment of non-nursing staff to carry out billing and administrative tasks is urgently needed. Suggestions for further research is to analyze the effect of empowerment, remuneration, and career ladder on nurses’ intention to stay.Keywords: intention to stay, quality of nursing work life, job satisfaction, commitment.


  • Intention to stay of nurses is important to reduce turnover rate

  • limited. The purpose of this study was to develop the model of intention to stay for temporary nursing staff

  • Anexplanative cross-sectional survey design was used in this study

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DI RUMAH SAKIT UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA (Development of Intention to Stay Model for Temporary Nursing Staff in RS UNAIR). Pendahuluan: Intensi untuk tinggal perawat merupakan hal yang penting untuk mengurangi tingkat turnover dan meningkatkan stabilitas rumah sakit. Kualitas kehidupan kerja perawat (QNWL) telah diketahui memiliki pengaruh terhadap intensi untuk tinggal, namun informasi yang ada masih terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model intensi untuk tinggal pada tenaga keperawatan honorer di Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga. Tidak ada pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap intensi untuk tinggal. Komitmen secara signifikan mempengaruhi intensi untuk tinggal. Pembahasan: QNWL secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi intensi untuk tinggal melalui kepuasan kerja dan komitmen. Rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan intensi untuk tinggal adalah dengan mengembangkan kualitas kehidupan kerja, kepuasan kerja, dan komitmen perawat. Saran untuk penelitian lebih lanjut adalah menganalisis pengaruh empowerment, remunerasi, dan jenjang karir terhadap intensi untuk tinggal perawat. Kata kunci: intensi untuk tinggal, kualitas kehidupan kerja perawat, kepuasan kerja, komitmen

Puas f
Variabel Intensi untuk Tinggal
Pengaruh komitmen terhadap intensi untuk tinggal
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