
Knowing the specific technological parameters of water source and piping systems, it is possible to determine the service life of the pipe set, as water source as pipelines, by the offered method. Complex-acting, multifunctional, thermally resistant, bactericidal type new corrosion inhibitor based on naphthenates has been developed; The technology of insulation of the surface of metal pipes with coatings made of non-corrosive, shock-resistant and corrosion-resistant basalt-plastic and glass-plastic materials has been developed. Possibility of application of basalt-plastic and glass-plastic materials in construction and repair of tanks and other capacities was studied; Technologies for the production of protective belts, transport pipes, as well as rods from pure basalt-plastic and fiberglass materials in the highly corrosive environment were developed and their application together with metal pipes and rods was analyzed. Knowing the specific technological parameters of water source and piping systems, it is possible to determine the service life of the pipe set, as water source as pipelines, by the new method. During the research, the physicochemical factors affecting the object were investigated and methods of elimination were developed: Innovative methods of corrosion protection to increase the service life of equipment and transport pipelines, as well as a statistical method to determine the dependence of the capacity of equipment and transport pipelines on mechanical, physical and chemical factors; complex-acting, multifunctional, thermally resistant, bactericidal type new corrosion inhibitor based on naphthenates has been developed.

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