
Educational Institutions, especially higher education, have a responsibility to produce quality graduates in various fields of science. Universities develop curricula as a basis for students to take education. The mechanism for appointing supervisors and examiners as well as scheduling Industrial Practices, especially in the Informatics Engineering Department, is carried out by the department while the schedule and exam examiner team are informed through a notice board in the Informatics Engineering department. The web-based Industrial Practice Monitoring Information System (SEMPI) is a system that can provide information about industrial practice programs online. This system has an advantage in terms of the speed of presentation of the resulting information. In addition, this system is web-based so that it can be accessed at any time. This process takes a long time and good management, so that students get a supervisor who is in accordance with their field of expertise and the right exam schedule so as not to interfere with lecture schedules and lecturer schedules The conclusion that can be drawn in this study is that an Industrial Practice Monitoring Information System is produced that can help the Process of Monitoring Industrial Practice within the Informatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Surabaya State University can run smoothly. In addition, with this information system, it is hoped that it can help the work of the informatics engineering department in carrying out the administration of these activities.
 Keywords: Monitoring; Information System; Industrial Practice.

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