
This study aims to develop industrial electrical installation trainers be nuanced of training within industry that is valid, practical and effective in the learning of Industrial Electrical Installation Practicum Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang. This trainer is expected to be able to support the learning process especially to understand the working principle and function of an electrical motor electric installation in the industry. The research method used is R & D (Research & Development) research and development methods. The product development stage includes (1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) limited trial, (7) product revision testing product, (8) usage test, (9) product revision testing stage, (10) final product. The test results obtained were the media trainer for industrial electrical installations categorized as valid as a learning media after validation by the validator, amounting to 93.5% meaning that the media had fulfilled the validation aspects, namely the content and purpose components, instructional and technical to obtain very valid categories. The practicality level of the media trainer for industrial electrical installations obtained a percentage of 97.3% with a very practical category. While the effectiveness is obtained at 88.5%. Based on these stages, a valid, practical and effective media trainer for industrial electrical installation has been produced.

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