
Capacity development is important and urgently needed for landslide disaster risk reduction. This is especially so in developing countries where mountain and urban development is accelerating most rapidly, including construction of highways and railways and residential complexes. However, effective tools to teach practical landslide risk reduction knowledge and skills are not available. Therefore, International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) has decided to compile a collection of landslide teaching tools (Sassa et al. 2013) to provide teaching materials to ICL members and other landslide teaching entities to assist in education of university students, local government officers, staff in nongovernmental organizations, and the public. The teaching toolbox contains five parts: (1) mapping and site prediction; (2) monitoring and early warning; (3) testing and numerical simulation; (4) risk management; and (5) country practices and case studies. The teaching toolbox contains three types of tools: (1) TXT tools consisting of original texts with figures; (2) PDF tools consisting of already published reference papers, manuals, guidelines, and others; and (3) PPT tools consisting of PowerPoint® files made for lectures. The initial TXT tools have been published as a full color booklet (405 pages). The PDF tools and PPT tools are contained in a CD. The basic concept and a list of contents of the ICL landslide teaching tools are introduced in this article.

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