
Head-up display is one of the important sub-systems of aircraft avionics suite for enhancing pilot situational awareness for smooth and safe gate-to-gate operations especially during take-off, approach and landing phases of flight. The Head-up display consist of generic and advanced sets of symbologies mainly categorized as i) conformal: such as local horizon, airport/runway, highway-in-the-sky, pitch ladder, etc and ii) non-conformal: airspeed, altitude, heading, roll, horizontal situation indicator etc. These symbologies can be combined or overlaid with more advanced systems such as Enhanced vision system/synthetic vision system to increase pilot situational awareness in case of poor weather conditions/ degraded visual environment. This paper presents development of generic and enhanced vision system specific Head-up display symbologies based on Gulfstream G450 Head-up display standard and its integration with in-house developed Enhanced synthetic vision system flight simulator.

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