
A small-angle neutron scattering instrument using an ellipsoidal focusing mirror has been developed at Hokkaido University and a prototype machine (mfSANS) has been installed at the JRR-3 research reactor at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). They are based on an ellipsoidal focusing mirror on a borosilicate glass substrate. It turned out that borosilicate glass was very brittle and difficult to machine or polish it to the required surface-finishing process. In order to improve this situation, we decided to develop a method to create a metal substrate based ellipsoidal focusing mirror. As the first step, test pieces of flat and ellipsoidal surface neutron supermirrors using metal substrates were fabricated. They were first roughly shaped by a conventional numerically controlled (NC) cutting machine and amorphous NiP was plated. They were then machined using an ultrahigh precision cutting (UPC) method and finished by NC polishing techniques. Surface roughness of Ra ≈ 0.78 nm and surface figure error of submicrometer were realized so far.

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