
Recent development of Ti-Ta and Ti-Ta-Al high temperature shape memory alloys was reviewed. The effect of Ta content on shape memory behavior of Ti-Ta alloys was first described. Shape memory effect was confirmed in Ti-(30-40)Ta alloys. The Ms WHPSHUDWXUHGHFUHDVHGE\���.�SHU��DW���7D��7KHDPRXQWRI��&�SKDV H� formed during aging decreased with increasing Ta so that stable high temperature shape memory effect was confirmed for Ti-32Ta (Ms=440K) during thermal cycling between 173K and 513K. Secondly, the effect of ternary alloying elements (X = V, Cr, Fe, Zr, Hf, Mo, Sn, Al) on the shape memory behavior of Ti-30Ta-X alloys was described. Among the alloying elements, Sn and Al were effective to suppress the effect of aging on the shape PHPRU\�EHKDYLRU��VLQFHWKH\�VWURQJ O\�VXSSUHVVWKHIRUPDWLRQRI� �&�SKDVHLQGXFHGGXHWRDJLQJGXULQJWKHUPDOF\FOLQJ�� For this reason the Ti-30Ta-1Al and Ti-30Ta-1Sn alloys exhibited stable high temperature shape memory effect during thermal cycling. It is suggested that Ti-Ta based alloys are attractive candidates for the development of novel high temperature shape memory alloys.

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