
In the modern world, the use of isolated anther cultivation technology is currently an integral part of the wheat breeding process. The development of haploids in the winter bread wheat anthers will allow obtaining new forms of wheat in the shortest possible time and without large areas. The purpose of the current study was to estimate the F3 winter bread wheat hybrids according to the anthers’ sensitivity to androgenesis and plant regeneration in vitro and to identify the factors affecting the yield of haploid production. There has been studied the ability to androgenesis in vitro in the anthers of four winter bread wheat hybrids of intensive and semi-intensive type of the FSBSI “ARC “Donskoy”. There has been assessed the role of the mineral composition of three induction nutrient media N6, W14 and NPB-99. There has been established a correlation between the main stages of development of haploids and a genotype. The highest regeneration rate of green plants was obtained in the sample F3 623 of intensive type (3.3%). The most suitable medium for androgenesis of the winter bread wheat anthers in vitro is NPB-99. Since the genotype F3 623 of intensive type demonstrated high values of haploid production capacity, it could be successfully used in breeding programs for the rapid production of homozygous wheat anther lines in vitro. Using two-way analysis of variance, there has been identified a correlation between the effects of a genotype, nutrient medium and their interaction with the main parameters of haploid formation in winter wheat. The formation of embryogenic structures is mainly associated with the effect of a genotype (46.52%). The proportion of the nutrient composition of the medium was low (1.82%), and the correlation factor was 2.1%. The genotype had the greatest effect on the indicator of the regenerants’ number. The nutrient medium had little effect. Regarding the regeneration of green plants, which is the main indicator of the haploid production, the share of a genotype effect was the largest (47.32%). The contribution of the medium and the correlation of factors were less important, but statistically significant.


  • In the modern world, the use of isolated anther cultivation technology is currently an integral part of the wheat breeding process

  • The purpose of the current study was to estimate the F3 winter bread wheat hybrids according to the anthers’ sensitivity to androgenesis and plant regeneration in vitro and to identify the factors affecting the yield of haploid production

  • Since the genotype F3 623 of intensive type demonstrated high values of haploid production capacity, it could be successfully used in breeding programs for the rapid production of homozygous wheat anther lines in vitro

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В современном мире применение технологии культивирования изолированных пыльников в настоящее время является неотъемлемой частью процесса селекции пшеницы. Цель исследований – дать оценку гибридам F3 озимой мягкой пшеницы по отзывчивости пыльников и регенерации в культуре in vitro, выявить факторы, влияющие на выход гаплопродукции. Изучена способность к андрогенезу in vitro в культуре пыльников четырех гибридных комбинаций озимой мягкой пшеницы селекции ФГБНУ «АНЦ «Донской» интенсивного и полуинтенсивного типа. Наиболее подходящей средой для андрогенеза пыльников озимой мягкой пшеницы in vitro является NPB-99. Поскольку генотип F3 623 интенсивного типа продемонстрировал высокие показатели гаплопродукционной способности, то он может быть успешно использован в селекционных программах для быстрого получения гомозиготных линий пшеницы в культуре пыльников in vitro. Была установлена взаимосвязь между эффектами генотипа, питательной среды и их взаимодействием с основными параметрами гаплообразования озимой пшеницы. Что касается регенерации зеленых растений, которая является основным показателем гаплопродукционного процесса, доля влияния генотипа была наибольшей (47,32%).

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