
The article deals with one of the most important issues of modern higher education – the development of psychology students’ readiness to perform professional activities during the educational process. The concepts of readiness for work in general and long-term readiness for the realization of professional duties by an individual are analyzed. There are different theoretical approaches to studying the problem of psychological readiness in psychological and pedagogical literature. Special attention is paid to the study of the functional aspect of this complex psychological formation. Based on this, the results of a survey and test study of psychology students’ readiness to implement a certain algorithm of adjustment to professional activity are presented. This algorithm involves outlining the goal of professional efforts, choosing the optimal means to achieve it, and, ultimately, analyzing the obtained result aimed at further correction and improvement of professional actions. Obstacles and complications experienced by students on this path are analyzed and their causes are distinguished. The peculiarities of the organization of the process of teaching psychological disciplines in higher education are indicated in order to optimize the formation of the functional aspect of student youth’s readiness for independent professional activity and constant self-improvement. The factors that contribute to the development of the disposition of future psychologists to perform professional actions and the ways of their activation in the educational process are considered. The importance of active learning methods in preparing students for future effective work is revealed.

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