
Food is a basic human need that is most essential. Food security is very important and strategic. One of the efforts of the government to realize food security is by diversification of food is the effort to provide and consume non-rice food with a diverse and varied menu. As one of the national food granaries, the government of South Sulawesi realize the diversification of food by cooperating with the community through large industries and household industries In the small industry or women’s household industries that have a role in food processing starting from the preparation of raw materials, production process and sales. The method used in this paper is the method of Literature Studies. The study of literature is the solving of problems by tracing the sources of writing ever made before. The analysis of this paper is that food security in South Sulawesi is very closely related to economic stability and one of the strategies developed by the government is by product diversification. Agroindustrial diversification products become an opportunity for small industry women to be employed for them. This gets a positive response from the Government in South Sulawesi with the active participation of the government to participate and facilitate the entrepreneurship of women in South Sulawesi. In addition, food diversification is needed as one of the pillars for the stabilization of food security in South Sulawesi province because food diversification can contribute in increasing the production capacity of food and improvement of people’s income in South Sulawesi.

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