
The development of splenic erythroid colony-forming cells from rat embryos in the last 4 days of intrauterine life was examined after 2 and 7 days in a methylcellulose culture system. The number of 2- and 7-day erythroid colonies decreased sharply between, respectively, days 20 and 21 of gestation and days 19 and 20. Concomitantly, a maturation of proerythroblasts and basophilic erythroblasts to mature erythroblasts was detected on smears of splenic cellular suspensions. The effect of a corticosteroid excess induced by a maternal laparotomy was tested on spleen and liver cultures from the same control or experimental fetuses. The ratio of the number of 2-day to the number of 7-day erythroid colonies did not differ in experimental and control splenic cultures, but in liver cultures was significantly lower at days 19 and 20 in experimental than in control cultures.

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