
Styrofoam is in high demand by street vendors and is often used as food packaging. This can cause an emergence of environmental problems because it cannot decompose. On the other hand, there is much waste from agricultural products such as sugarcane bagasse and coconut fiber which frequently accumulate on the side of Banda Aceh’s road without further processing. In this research, the sugarcane bagasse and coconut fiber have been used in the production of biodegradable foam (biofoam) with addition of commercial mold (ragi tempe; Rhizopus sp.). The aim of this experiment was to design and create a biofoam cup to substitute plastic or styrofoam cups. The objectives of this research were to develop the formulation for biofoam production specifically in finding the best percentage of ragi tempe. Prior to the biofoam manufacturing process, a survey was conducted to assess the extent of styrofoam and plastic food packaging in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Three experiments were then conducted to find the best biofoam formulation so that the mold could grow to cover the raw material. The survey showed that styrofoam is the most widely used type of food packaging (68.6%) followed by plastic (37.2%). The biofoam cup was made with 200 g sugarcane bagasse or coconut fiber, 35 ml water, 25 g flour, and 13 g ragi tempe. However, further research is needed to examine the strength of the resulting biofoam cup.

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