
The purpose of the work is to analyze changes in the engineering infrastructure of the KhMAO during the Post-Soviet period, over the last decade especially. A large number of serious positive results have been achieved after the infrastructure’s was somewhat launching in the previous time. This also applies to water supply, renewal of water supply networks and improvement of water quality, and water treatment. Although a large number of significant problems with water supply (water pollution by oil-producing organizations, outdated equipment and cleaning techniques) has been continued, it is impossible for anybody don’t notice the successes in the struggle for the quality of drinking water in the district, which has gradually improved. In the power supply, the deterioration of electrical networks had a particularly negative significance for the economic consumption of electricity and the ecological state of the region. The creation of autonomous power generation systems at remote enterprises and in settlements was carried out too. The situation with the renewal of gas pipelines and the level of gasification in the region has also improved markedly. The wear of heating systems also began to decrease. In a number of cities, oil and coal as fuel in boiler houses were replaced with gas, heat losses decreased, etc. The Smart City program played a large role here as well, although in majority of branches it is mainly used only in several cities (including four «pilot» and two anther using it in partly) yet; a number of other problems has remained too.

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