
In 21st Century learning, there are several skills that must be possessed by students, one of which is scientific argumentation skills. Currently the learning process in schools is more oriented towards the delivery of information compared to the development of students' scientific argumentation skills. This is in accordance with the results of observations made at SMAN 1 Kediri, which shows that students' argumentation skills are still low because the biology learning process obtained by students is still limited to listening to teacher lectures and giving assignments or problems that are Low Order Thinking Skills. Based on these problems, there needs to be the development of teaching media in the form of electronic modules based on ASICC learning models. This research aims to develop ASICC-based electronic modules that are practical, effective, and also valid so as to improve students' scientific argumentation skills. The data collection methods used are pretest and post test data along with validation data. Pre-test and pos test data are analyzed descriptively quantitatively with the N-Gain test to see improvements in students' scientific argumentation skills, and qualitative descriptive analysis to evenly score validation results. The study used the Plomp model put forward by Tjeerd Plomp. Based on the results of the N-Gain test obtained the results of scientific arguments with high categories. In addition, the average validation score is obtained, namely validation of materials and languages with a score of 93% of categories is very valid, design and media validation with a score of 71% of categories is quite valid, teacher validation with a score of 93% of categories is very valid, and student validation with a score of 90% is very valid category. So it can be concluded that the ASICC-based electronic module is a practical, effective, and valid teaching medium to improve the scientific arguments of students of class X MIPA SMAN 1 Kediri.

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