
The road network in Ireland comprises national primary and national secondary roads, and non-national regional roads and local roads. Since 1994 the responsibility for the management and maintenance of the national roads has rested with the National Roads Authority (NRA). In 2001 the Eirspan bridge management system was introduced to coordinate and integrate activities such as inspections, repairs and rehabilitation work to ensure optimal management of the national road structure stock. This paper summarises the reasons for the introduction of the system and gives a review of the distinct activities included in Eirspan. It describes how bridge components are condition rated within principal inspections and outlines how, after the completion of the inventory gathering and first principal inspections, repair works are priority ranked. Future developments within Eirspan are also discussed. Eirspan helps engineers within the NRA to prioritise maintenance needs and maximise the use of available funding. It has proved to be an invaluable tool in helping to maintain the function and safety of bridges throughout the national road network in Ireland.

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