
Sporozoites and 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-generation merozoites of Eimeria meleagrimitis were inoculated into primary cultures of turkey kidney cells. In vitro-excysted sporozoites developed into mature macrogamonts in 8 days; in vivo-excysted sporozoites developed into 2nd- or 3rd-generation schizonts within 5 to 7 days. First-generation merozoites obtained from infected turkeys produced mature 2nd-generation schizonts within 24 h. Second-generation merozoites from turkeys produced mature macrogamonts and oocysts within 72 h, whereas 3rd-generation merozoites produced these stages within 48 h. The oocysts that developed from 3rd-generation merozoites sporulated at 25 C and were infective for turkeys. The timing of the early stages and the intervals between schizogonic generations in cultures were comparable with those in turkeys. Morphologic parameters, however, indicated that some differences existed between in vitro and in vivo development. Second- and 3rd-generation schizonts and gamonts that developed after inoculation of cultures with merozoites were similar to stages in turkeys. Oocysts, however, were significantly smaller (P less than 0.05) in cultures. All stages that developed after inoculation of cultures with sporozoites were smaller (P less than 0.05) than their in vivo counter parts.

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