
The scientific study highlights the theoretical foundations of the electronic docu- ment management system as an integral component of e-government in Ukraine. The relevance is substantiated, the legislative provision and regulation of this area are characterized, in particular, the basic features of e-government as a com- ponent of the system of relations between the state and business are determined. The normative and legal framework is formed by the laws of Ukraine, which establish the order of organization and activity of the state apparatus, and regu- late the general principles of state policy in the field of informatization in general and the administrative process in particular. The analysis of normative document resources such as: «Basic Principles of Development of the Information Society in Ukraine for 2007–2015», laws of Ukraine «About Information», «About Ac- cess to Public Information», «About Electronic Document and Electronic Doc- ument Management», «About Standardization» is highlighted etc. Taking into account the active implementation of the latest information technologies in the management activity, the law of Ukraine «On Electronic Documents and Elec- tronic Document Management» is important, which ensures the implementation of state policy in matters of document management and documentation manage- ment support. It is worth noting that this law represents a consistent theoretical basis for research during the introduction of electronic document management and regulates general issues in this area. The implementation of modern means of electronic government provides an opportunity to improve the quality of public services to citizens radically, and a new level of these services will be achieved through the system integration transformation and improvement of information systems at all levels. It was determined that information and communication tech- nologies open up new opportunities for improving the mechanisms of interaction with authorities, and the implementation of electronic governance in Ukraine is a powerful European integration factor that provides an effective impetus for the interaction of public authorities with citizens, public associations, and businesses by the requirements and standards of the European Union.

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