
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is primarily caused by out-of-frame deletions in the dystrophin gene. Exon skipping using phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (PMOs) converts out-of-frame to in-frame mutations, producing partially functional dystrophin. Four single-exon skipping PMOs are approved for DMD but treat only 8 to 14% of patients each, and some exhibit poor efficacy. Alternatively, exons 45 to 55 skipping could treat 40 to 47% of all patients and is associated with improved clinical outcomes. Here, we report the development of peptide-conjugated PMOs for exons 45 to 55 skipping. Experiments with immortalized patient myotubes revealed that exons 45 to 55 could be skipped by targeting as few as five exons. We also found that conjugating DG9, a cell-penetrating peptide, to PMOs improved single-exon 51 skipping, dystrophin restoration, and muscle function in hDMDdel52;mdx mice. Local administration of a minimized exons 45 to 55-skipping DG9-PMO mixture restored dystrophin production. This study provides proof of concept toward the development of a more economical and effective exons 45 to 55-skipping DMD therapy.

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