
The present study was undertaken for the development of jelly from cultivated and wild pomegranate fruit juice mix and its quality evaluation during storage of six months. A product with 55 % mixed fruit juice content (cultivated and wild pomegranate juice in 80:20 ratio) with 45 % sugar was found to be the best on the basis of sensory analysis of prepared jelly. Jelly could safely be stored for a period of half year under both the ambient and refrigerated conditions without much change in its various chemical attributes viz., total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, anthocyanins, pectin, total phenolics and sensory quality characteristics viz., colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability. However, the changes in the quality characteristics of the jelly were slower in refrigerated storage conditions as compared to ambient conditions. Under refrigerated conditions, changes in TSS from 67.00 to 67.36 0B,titratable acidity from 0.75 to 0.71%, ascorbic acid from 9.18 to 7.35 mg/100 g, anthocyanins from 11.34 to 10.17 mg/100 g and total phenols from 63.10 to 60.06 mg/100 g were observed after 6 months of storage. Both the packaging material viz., polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and glass jars were found suitable with comparatively slower changes occurring in glass jars under refrigerated conditions.

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