
This article describes the development of cooling load temperature differential (CLTD) values for building envelopes made of materials commonly used in Thailand and using Bangkok weather data. The Bangkok design weather data are selected from 12 years of data collected by the meteorological department. Two sets of weather data for Bangkok are chosen. The first weather data set was selected based on dry bulb temperature of 0.4% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence. The second weather data set was selected based on dry bulb temperature of 0.4% hourly cumulative frequency of occurrence and solar radiation obtained from the ASHRAE mathematical model. The room parameters which have effects on thermal response, such as building envelope material, room decoration, and room conditions are investigated. 288 different room types for each exterior wall type and each roof type were checked. The values of amplitude and delay based on conduction weighting factors for a sinusoidal heat gain are analyzed. The distribution of the amplitude and delay of similar thermal response are grouped together and represented by a single point in the group. For each set of design weather data, 7 CLTD tables for exterior walls and 6 CLTD tables for roofs are developed.

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