
Today's social changes occur so rapidly in various aspects of human life, including in the world of education. The development of science and technology rapidly encourages human behavior in responding to the world around. In fact, the Covid 19 pandemic that occurred in various nations helped accelerate changes in human behavior. Like it or not, we are all required to be able to compensate for what happened. Changes in social life that are predicted to occur in 2050, with the existing conditions, will occur more quickly. It happened in 2020. Facing these conditions, the world of education must be able to transform education rapidly as needed. Educational transformation needs to be done through dynamizing the educational aspects, innovating learning components, and also optimizing education management. The Covid19 pandemic and the realities of life today have an impact on the continuity of learning. The condition of the Covid19 pandemic requires us to always keep our distance, not allowing us to meet face to face. Learning is carried out with a remote system. There are many things that must be prepared by the actors of learning, not only teachers, but also students and even parents. Therefore, it is necessary to create a meaningful learning for students. For this reason, this paper will describe a solution through context-based meaningful learning. Teacher professionalism, mastery of technology, changes in socio-cultural structures, student adaptation processes and the role of institutions contribute to and encourage the importance of meaningful, context-based learning. The community trusts, recognizes and leaves it up to teachers to educate students professionally. The implication of this recognition requires that teachers must have adequate quality. The adequate quality of teachers will correlate with each other's readiness in learning. The meaning of the learning process is realized through the teacher's ability to create meaningful learning. The creation of meaningful learning is by paying attention to the competence and needs of students according to the context. An understanding of the existing student context encourages teachers to develop learning by utilizing various learning methods, evaluation techniques, and other pedagogical abilities that are able to explore and make learning more meaningful for students

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