
A silver lining has emerged from the current COVID-19 pandemic that medical laboratory services across the Pacific have benefitted by. The pressures of COVID-19 exposed numerous deficiencies in our healthcare systems with a particular spotlight beamed onto national diagnostic testing capabilities. Consequently, laboratory services have been thrust into the centre of attention in biosecurity issues and become a high priority focus in the drive to ensure performance accuracy and diagnostic capacity is realised. Resources have been directed to ensure laboratories are prepared and responsive to early detection, but also prepared and ready for the recovery stages when borders re-open and new generation tourists are screened. An exciting development to come out of these uncertain times is the growing popularity of mobile laboratory facilities housed in shipping containers. They provide a convenient, cheap and timely solution to smaller Pacific Island nations by greatly enhancing their molecular technology platforms and containment facilities all in one box. A collaborated effort from Pacific partnership organisations has been instrumental in accelerating the establishment of these novel laboratory units and help address the need for testing facilities in geographically isolated sites.

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