
This research is devoted to modelling the viscoplastic deformation behaviour and microstructure evolution of particle reinforced titanium matrix composites (TMCs) at hot working conditions. A series of Gleeble hot compression tests were conducted to obtain the stress-strain curves. According to the dominant mechanisms of TMCs during deformation, a set of mechanism-based constitutive equations was developed and fitted based on the experiment data. Lamellar alpha globularisation, dynamic recrystallization and damage were considered and incorporated into the constitutive equations to describe the viscoplastic flow behaviour.


  • To improve the service temperature of tanium alloys further, great importance has been a ached to par cle reinforced tanium matrix composites (TMCs) [1], which can be fabricated by tradi onal methods similar to that of tanium alloys

  • 3.3 Viscoplas c flow rule According to the basic form of power law, [12,15,17] the viscoplas c flow can be expressed as following equa ons when considering the phase composi on, grain size evolu on, globularisa on of secondary alpha lath, dynamic recrystallisa on and damage

  • The material constants, which are included in the cons tu ve equa ons, are difficult to be determined by analy cal method

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Introduc on

To improve the service temperature of tanium alloys further, great importance has been a ached to par cle reinforced tanium matrix composites (TMCs) [1], which can be fabricated by tradi onal methods similar to that of tanium alloys. Near net shape forming methods have great advantages of material u lising rate and excellent materials proper es [8]. Few research has been devoted to inves gated near net shape forming methods of TMCs. To develop near net shape methods, the op mal processing window under which the materials would have a be er formability should be found. To develop near net shape methods, the op mal processing window under which the materials would have a be er formability should be found Both the geometry accuracy and materials proper es of a specific part should be taking into considera on at the same me. This research is dedicated to establishing a set of mechanism-based cons tu ve equa ons to describe the deforma on behaviour and microstructure evolu on at hot deforma on condi on

Material Modelling
Recrystalliza on modelling
Globularisa on of secondary alpha lath
Effect of recrystalliza on on disloca on density
Effect of recrystalliza on on grain size
Results and discussions
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