
Introduction. The article presents the results of a study of the physicochemical properties of dry extract of olive leaves, standardized by hydroxythyrozol - a biologically active substance that is part of the chemical composition of aerial parts of the olive tree.Aim. The purpose of the study is to develop tablet Formulations containing dry extract of olive leaves and to standardize by hydroxythyrozol by reversed-phase-HPLC method on the main substancecontent.Materials and methods. Substance of dry extract of olive leaves, microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel® PH-112), Aerosil® (Aeroperl® 300 Pharma), Ludipress® (Ludipress®), lactose, potato starch, sodium salt of carboxymethyl starch, magnesium stearate, direct pressing, HPLC.Results and discussion. Studies of the physicochemical properties of dry extract of olive leaves have been carried out. Selected excipients for the study of tablettable masses. Formulations for further tabletting have been developed. A complex of studies of the obtained tablets was carried out according to Russian Pharmacopoeia XIV for compliance with quality indicators.Conclusion. The biological properties of dry extract of olive leaves are have been studied, indicating the prospect of developing drugs based on it. Formulations of tablets with dry extract of olive leaves have been developed and their quality indicators have been investigated.


  • The article presents the results of a study of the physicochemical properties of dry extract of olive leaves, standardized by hydroxythyrozol – a biologically active substance that is part of the chemical composition of aerial parts of the olive tree

  • A complex of studies of the obtained tablets was carried out according to Russian Pharmacopoeia XIV for compliance with quality indicators

  • Доступно по: https://pharmacopoeia.ru/ofs-1-4-2-0008-15-odnorodnostdozirovaniya/ Ссылка активна на 07.12.2020

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The biological properties of dry extract of olive leaves are have been studied, indicating the prospect of developing drugs based on it. Formulations of tablets with dry extract of olive leaves have been developed and their quality indicators have been investigated. L. Development of compositions and technologies for producing tablets with hydroxythyrozolstandardized extract of olive leaves. Гидрокситирозол обладает широким спектром биологической активности и представляет интерес для фармацевтической, пищевой, косметической промышленности. Содержание гидрокситирозола в масле и плодах зависит от сорта оливы, спелости и технологии приготовления масла [16]. Агликон олеорупеина посредством ферментативного гидролиза в конечном итоге превращается в гидрокситирозол, что является одним из показателей зрелости оливы [3]. Потребность в таком виде субстанций вызвана удобством транспортировки и хранения, а главное стабильности биологически активных веществ при правильном выборе условий получения и упаковки. В высушенном экстракте листьев оливы сохраняется 90 % флавоноидов и антиоксидантная активность [19, 20]

Кислота соляная Hydraulic acid
МКЦ Microcrystalline cellulose
Показатели Indicators
Описание Description
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