
Currently there are several known engine startup systems for cars and tractors: a manual one; an electrical starting system; using a special starting engine; featuring the start by means of a switchover to gasoline with electric ignition; pneumatic start. The performed analysis of the startup systems shows that they have significant drawbacks: a relatively low reliability, dependency on the climatic conditions, high energy consumption and complexity of maintenance, low developed torque. These drawbacks can be eliminated by developing a brand new combined engine startup system by means of the hydraulic starter, which is distinguished by its high reliability, failure-free performance, and availability of manual start. This startup system is combined with the turbocompressor lubrication system and comprises an autonomous lubrication-brake device. During the application of the autonomous lubrication-brake device at the laboratory bench we have obtained empiric dependencies of the four variants of the turbocompressor rotor rundown: normal rundown mode; rundown with the hydraulic accumulator; rundown with simultaneous application of the hydraulic accumulator and the brake device; rundown with the brake device. During the application of the autonomous lubrication-brake device the rotor rundown duration is decreased by 30-35% as compared to the free rundown, which allows excluding the risk of dry friction of the turbocompressor bearings. The installation of the combined hydraulic startup system ensures a safe start at any temperature, as well as reliable lubrication and shutdown of the turbocompressor rotor.

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