
Writing skills include all the knowledge and abilities related to expressing ideas through the written word. Well-known writing conveys our message or information with high clarity. The purpose of the thesis is to make a survey of and analyze the cognitive capability of students to clearly communicate professional ideas through writing that is in high demand for employers in any industry, to study modern approaches and perspectives in teaching writing for professional needs from methodological, psychological and didactic positions. Written communication skills expand the connection between employer and manager, specialist and client, thus the chain continues. Methodology. The mixed methods were used, observation and comparison, the questionnaire and the individual case analysis ones inclusive. Results of research show that when it comes to writing for professional purposes writing might be beneficial to cognitive skills because it requires focusing of attention, planning and forethought, organization of one's thinking, and reflective thought, among other abilities, thereby sharpening these skills through practice and reinforcement. Thus, the author comes to the conclusion that developing structures within creative writing helps students, future young specialists, to clarify their thoughts into a logical process, as well as their emotions. They will be able to look at situations in the workplace and in the rest of their life with clarity, being able to define clear pathways in order to overcome problems in the professions. Thus, knowing students’ writing issues may not only hasten the learning/teaching process but also contribute to the development of students’ cognitive learning skills. Hence, the effects of designing supporting schemes of different types on development of students’ cognitive and communicative skills in the process of learning a foreign language is evident.

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